About Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine at the Abiding Spirit Center
Good health is not simply the absence of symptoms. In fact, by the time most symptoms surface, the body has already been out of balance for some time, and they surface to get our attention.
Current trends in health care show that by integrating Eastern practices with Western medicine, patients are better able to live healthier lives. At our clinic we offer the following: *Acupuncture *Cupping *Gua Sha *Acupuressure *Meta-Acupuncture *Herbal Formulas *Nutritional Guidance Western medicine practitioners have begun to use simplified versions of our treatment modalities, renaming them "dry needling", "myofascial decompression therapy", etc. because these methods are so effective. However, these simplified versions used by untrained providers tend to only address relieving pain, and do nothing to actually correct the cause of the condition or heal the patient. In addition, the training and education experience of our licensed and board certified acupuncturists by far surpasses others for these modalities, providing you, the patient, with the very highest standard of care and expertise. Our licensed and board certified acupuncturists treat not only pain, but also other conditions such as migraines, sleep disorders, stress and anxiety, etc. You can see a more comprehensive lists of what we treat here. Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine has been providing effect, affordable health care to the community for over 10 years. We are the oldest clinic of this sort in the county, and over the years have many people to live happier, healthier lives. |
Meet the Staff
Our practitioners are licensed and board certified, and hold the highest certifications available for the profession. We also have a very strong consulting staff, available as needed.
Conditions TreatedThe World Health Organization has acknowledged that acupuncture treats many conditions effectively. Click here to see a partial list.
From Our