Meta Acupuncture at the Abiding Spirit Center
In general, we are a society that is becoming more aware of the importance of “whole being” support, recovery and healing. We frequently hear about “body-mind-spirit” connections and the importance of creating and sustaining these, but without tools and the creating of healthy energy habits, it is difficult to achieve and maintain a balanced internal environment, physically, mentally and spiritually.
Meta-acupuncture treatments are highly individualized sessions designed to identify and treat habitual energy patterns of both mind and body. While acupuncture serves to work the energetics within the body, meta-acupuncture incorporates the energetics of the mind, encouraging one to become more aware of the conditions and situations which affect health on all levels.
These sessions combine the use of acupuncture, mindfulness practices and meta-physical science to help each individual gain positive direction and experience a higher level of health and overall well-being.
Contact us for further information regarding scheduling and pricing.